

Our solicitor, Bob Ramsey, has extensive experience in the education sector having been a secondary school teacher and high school principal before entering the law. We will represent students and their families in disputes with schools or the Department of Education.

In any dispute with a government body (state education department) it is important that you are treated fairly and according to the appropriate rules and regulations. In private schools you will have made a contractual agreement with the school and will be bound by the terms of the contract.

Some of the matters that may bring you in dispute with the school may include;

  • Your child is injured at school or at a school event as a result of the negligence of the school.
  • Your child is assaulted or abused by a member of the school staff (or somebody contracted to the school)
  • Your child has a dispute about the fairness of the application of the school’s HSC Assessment Procedures.
  • Your child has been suspended (or expelled) from school and you believe that he/she was unfairly treated, not given the opportunity to provide an explanation or the proper procedures have been followed.
  • There is potential that some children may be placed at an educational disadvantage because of the negligence of a school in not providing appropriately qualified teachers for HSC classes when the regular teacher is on long-term leave and that this has impacted on the HSC performance of the child.
  • It is not unknown that a school has taught the wrong syllabus to students in the HSC. This may occur when the syllabus has changed and the school has failed to implement the change.
  • Your child may be bullied and/or assaulted by other children at school and the school may not be providing adequate support to your child to respond to the bullying.
  • Your child has a diagnosed disability and has been denied support by the school.
  • Your child has been discriminated against on the basis of his/her race, religion, disability
  • You have been denied access to school reports or documents relating to your child and held by the school (or school authority)

If you have an issue with your child’s school that you have not been able to resolve make an appointment to see Bob Ramsey at our office so that you may discuss your options.